ZAK Kaghado (b. New Jersey, USA) currently living and working in Moscow, Russia.
The work of ZAK Kaghado is in fact powerfully political and has an apocalyptic mood but at the same time it is non confrontational, his art explores the power and the authority of governing societies, and the absurdism of the status quo in the context of our ‘New Society’. He delicately fuses geopolitics and time, humanity, existence and ideological issues as he engages in the spiritual, social, and aesthetic dialogues of today.
His new body of work 'Existence-co-Existence' is a stark juxtaposition of violence and affliction, victory and sovereignty. It's based on a spiritual understanding and a fundamental connection to time and space. Identity, heritage, and death all intertwine with clear lineages.
The artist considers the Earth as the essence of existence. Like the DNA the human's bond to those elements are sacred. These are all non-negoatiable to the artist and they all co-exist within him like a small universe.
ZAK is also well known for his curating projects for Museums and different galleries. He has a Master’s Degree in International Communications / Political Science.
Past exhibitions:
“Existence-co-Existence”,2022, Solo show, Moscow MOMA Petrovka, Moscow, Russia (Upcoming)
“Existence-co-Existence”,2022, Solo show, New Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
“Existence-co-Existence”,2022, Solo show, NCCA , Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia
“Existence-co-Existence”,2021, Solo show, The State Vostok Museum, Maikop, Adyghe
“Existence-co-Existence”, 2021, Solo show, National Museum, Nalchik, Kabardino- Balkaria
“Tapies : Sugestiontactil” 2021, Group Show, Instituto Cervantes, Moscow, Russia
“In Search of Identity”,2019, 1st Caucasian Biennale, Artplay Moscow , Russia
"TORN’, Kolner Liste, 2017, Koln, Germany
”The Laws of Chaos & the End of Illusion’ 2016, CosMoscow, Moscow, Russia
”The Laws of Chaos and the end of Illusion", 2016, Solo show, MSK Eastside Gallery, Moscow, Russia
”TORN” 2015, Ruarts Gallery, Moscow Biennale, Moscow, Russia
”Urban Dawn” 2015 Group exhibition Villa Almaty, Kazakhastan
"The New Wave UNCUT", 2014, Group show, MSK Eastside Gallery, Moscow, Russia
”Under the Influence” 2013, Phillips Auction House, NYC, USA
”Under the Influence” 2012, Phillips de Pury, NYC, USA
”Frag-men-tal” Moscow Biennale, 2011, Group show in collaboration with the Chicago MOMA
"God is American", 2010, Solo show, Galerie Korpus 3, Moscow, Russia
”Sputnik Art” 2009, Group exhibition. TSUM Art Foundation, Moscow, Russia
Selected press: